Friday, January 30, 2009

#36 TRAIL BLAZES* (revised 6/10) "be nimble, be quick"

"Anticipate The Unexpected"

The seven deadliest words in all of human endeavor are:

“We have always done it this way”

Those words set the battle line, the classic fight to change and to improve.

Those words pit worker against worker, manager against manager, owner against owner. Those words will stop dead the reach of exploration from the ordinary to the extraordinary. They are truly seven deadly words.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and

over again and expecting different results."

Albert Einstein

At green garden gates, we are committed to flexibility, the ability adapt quickly as the winds of change move across our little stores and through our company. The next innovation for garden stores will be today and we must be ready to take advantage of the shift.

In our store construction, we design to expand or contract with little effort accommodating change, invention and innovation. We construct to simplify all maintenance issues. We are prepared for a quick and seamless response to emergency situations.

We can re-define the entire model of the company with the least possible effort. We avoid permanence in inventory, in unnecessary long term employee commitments and in daily operating processes.

We know that the river always moves and we will not be caught sitting endlessly in an quiet, safe eddy.

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