Tuesday, January 27, 2009

#34 COMMENTS* (revised 6/10) "cooks in the kitchen"

Cooks in the kitchen

“Here’s one for your book!

I work at a large garden center in the Midwest. One day, the bosses decided to change around all the tables in our greenhouse. They were those standard twelve foot aluminum mesh tables. So, they had these long meetings to decide how to change them around. They came up with a plan and drew it all out carefully.

On the first day, boss #1 had us unload all the plants, move them into position and get all the plants back and displayed like before. It took us about four hours.

On the second day, boss #2 did not like them that way and directed us to move them around again.We did the same drill for another four hours.

On the third day, the owner, the big boss, came around and didn’t like them and he wanted them again. He directed his landscape architect to draw exact measurements. The landscape designer went through three sets of drawings before the owner approved it. We moved and set the tables again and the owner went around with a tape measure to be sure it was exactly on the mark. We used a plumb bob to keep the tables within a quarter of an inch of the drawing. The owner was satisfied.

On the fourth day, boss #4 did not like the tables and had us move them again. The owner came back to the tables and directed us to move them back. The owner then went to the boss #4. and directed him to never move those tables again.

On the fifth day, the big boss came back, had a new idea and directed us to move the tables once again.

It is quiet now. The staff is pissed off and tired. The plants that were on the tables are stacked up everywhere waiting for them to make up their minds. 5 days, 5 tables, 4 bosses.

Now, I hear that they want to move all the other tables around in the whole place. Oh Boy!”

name withheld

To protect the innocent!

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