Monday, August 31, 2009

#60 CHOOSING THE LAND * #4 (revised 6/4) "using it wisely"


U means use the land wisely

Buying too much land for a garden store can be as deadly as buying not enough land. Some believe that garden stores are much like shrub and tree farming operations. They envision rows and rows of plants stretched out to the horizon. When they buy land for a new store, they feel they absolutely need lots of it. It does not take long for them to see that retail customers just will not walk to the end of these rows or sort through huge blocks of rhododendrons. Anything beyond three hundred feet from their car door is on another planet and they ain’t going to bother.

So what becomes of the long rows of shrubs? They are quickly moved to the front and that area is pretty much abandoned as a place for customers. Likewise, a garden store must have foresight to purchase enough land to reap the rewards of a full potential. Too much land or too little land can spell trouble either way.

Is the land the right size for green garden gates?

We, at green garden gates have set a minimum and maximum limit on property for our stores. We believe that the total land should be no more or less than two to three acres. That amount includes parking and driving areas, loading and unloading, retail building and living quarters, landscaped areas and outdoor display areas. With this range of property size, we are able to see a number of potential parcels. A larger property would limit availability and quality of a site.

This land falls within our range of property size. It will allow us to find and use the full potential of creativity for every square foot of the retail business. The size allows plenty of parking and display but does not squander areas that return nothing to green garden gates. Also, the size is affordable to us and affordable to a variety of businesses in the event a change in the business model dictates that we will want to sell the land in the future.

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