The plan for green garden gates calls for four “connector buildings”. There are of “pole” building construction measuring twenty five feet by twenty five feet. The interior measures about fifteen feet to the open painted rafters. The roof and walls are similar to the walkways, sheathed and covered with translucent fiberglass panels in order to let the natural light into the buildings. Like all green garden gates, the design of these will change depending on the geographical style the region.
We have chosen fiberglass ripple panels for this sheathing and roofing. Other garden store owners have chosen Lexan for this type of covering. We have found it to be too costly for our needs. These ripple panels are often available at home stores at special prices well below a standard retail cost. Once they are screwed down tight to the framework, they are tough and hold up well for many years
The walkways are flush against the connectors. There are no doors to these connectors, only openings. There are panels, high up, that open to allow maximum air movement and ventilation. The buildings are lighted for evening shopping with adequate electrical outlets to handle, for example, a large number of fountains. The floor is concrete that continues the walkway. The remaining area of the floor is gravel.
We see a number of uses for these connectors. We can display garden products that need to be out of the weather for maximum effect; fountains, pottery, garden art etc. We also see a place for local garden clubs and small vendors to set and attend to their displays during the gardening season. We see some “special” buys for our customers housed in the connectors. One or several of the connectors may be in used during the springtime with seminars on gardening subjects. We envision our customers passing through the walkway buildings into the connectors and on to another walkway building, enjoying a new experience shopping in the connectors.
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