The “Wings” of green garden gates are two buildings that are adjacent to the main blockhouse. They are lower roof structures than the blockhouse. They measure about twenty feet by about twenty-five feet. They have, as in all the structures high polished natural colored concrete floors. The roof is similar to the blockhouse, made of synthetic tile for less weight load than natural tile.
Wing #1
This is the checkout area of the store. It contains the main outdoor check stands and the stacking area for customers #H as they exit the business.
We have seen checkout areas cause terrible interference to the flow of commerce in a garden store. Rooms get so chucked full of people standing in line to be checked out that the entire room that is displaying merchandise is blocked off. We have seen lines of customers with crying kids standing in the cold and rain waiting to get undercover with their shopping carts to get checked out. We needed to find a balance between using valuable indoor space and keeping our customers comfortable. The checkouts continue in a line from the blockhouse indoor building. Checkers can easily move from the inside to the outside through an automatic door.
There are “presentation” doors that lead to the nursery of the store. #P is a solid garage door that is open all the time during the busy season and closed during the slow season or if there is bad weather. #Q is an automatic standard glass double door that is the primary point of exit and entry from the store.
#J are windows installed for the checkers to view the front of the building (and to keep them from going nuts in a closed boxed in work area!)
As the customers exit from the checkout stands, There is an additional automatic glass double set of doors.
Customers may also enter and exit the main blockhouse first floor though this area by double glass doors. (These doors are for the slower times at the store. We anticipate this door to be blocked by exiting customers at checkout at busy times. We have installed another set of double glass doors to enter and exit the blockhouse out of the firing line)
#J the front of the Wing #1 will be discussed later as part of a description of the entire front of these buildings.
Wing #2
This is primarily a utility area for the business. The features include:
B. Employees break room
Lots of break rooms for employees (if they even have one), look like something out of “Dickens”, some little corner stashed out of the way, where the employees can huddle. It is not a pleasant experience. We want our employees to enjoy the break. The room is located just off the blockhouse separated by a door to the retail building where the time clock is located.
The break room, adjacent locker room are the only parts of the wings that are heated and air conditioned, piped from the blockhouse. (the restrooms in Bookend #2 are also heated and air conditioned) They are equipped with all items necessary to prepare a meal; microwave, dinnerware and utensils, refrigerator, as well as shelving for personal food and items. The break room also houses the personal lockers for the employees with plenty of storage hooks for jackets, hats and boots.
Checklist for the Employee Lunch and Break Room
A. Is this room located near the activity of the store?
Yes, the employees have easy access to the break room. It is centrally located
B. Is it quiet, away from customers?
Yes, we believe that our employees need some “down time”, a quiet place away from customer activity.
C. Does the room have all the essential equipment for preparing something to eat?
Yes, it contains a sink, microwave, a refrigerator, and a complete set of kitchen utensils.
D. Are there comfortable chairs and tables for relaxation?
Yes, we have equipped the room with those items.
E. Is this room close to their personal lockers?
Yes, it is adjacent to the main bank of employee lockers?
F. Is there a convenient and weather protected smoking area for employees?
Yes, we have located an a convenient, covered area for those employees
Like it or not, some of the employees, some of the best, most valuable employees smoke. Get over it. A place needs to be found that is convenient, but out of the way, covered and pleasant for them. This acceptance of smoking may make the difference between keeping or losing very good people.
E. Enclosed vehicle parking stalls and receiving area
This area houses a stall for the company van. Because deliveries and pickups often occur during the season, we have found it valuable to have an enclosed area for bad weather. We want our company vehicle to be a reflection of our professional store. Housing it under cover helps maintain the appearance. The other stall is empty of a vehicle during the busy season and used for processing of dry goods received in the store. Water and electric are available to keep the vehicle clean. There are two sold panel garage doors that allow the vehicles to move in and out of the stalls
#K Shower Facility
There are times when emergencies occur in a garden store where a shower is needed; fertilizer burns, chemical spills etc. We have installed a shower for this reason. It is locked for security reasons at all times with the section leader having the key to the shower. It is equipped with hand want devices, clean towels, and disinfectant soaps and shampoos.
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