Friday, March 19, 2010

#127 HIRING AND MANAGING OUR EMPLOYEES/ (revised 6/3) employee question and answer checklist

Checklist for employee issues.

There are other questions about employee issues not contained in our narrative or employee handbook. Here are some of these questions.

There are many other standard operating rules for employees. For instance, “where do employees park”. How are they handled?

Yes, there are a lot of questions our employees will have as they experience our workplace. The section leaders are responsible for filling in these blanks for their workers, adding to the checklist as questions arise and helping with revisions to the employee handbook.

Do you have a standard procedure for employee evaluations?

Every employee from the store manager to the part time intern experiences the same format for an evaluation. The questions are the same, the reporting forms are the same and the scoring is the same. The evaluation period takes place twice a year, during the season and when the employee returns for the following season.

First, the employee is asked to do a self evaluation of his or her performance using the standard form. The floor manager keeps this self evaluation until the personal interview. The section leader prepares then prepares his or her evaluation with that standard form and interviews other section leaders, the store manager and the floor manager about the employees’ performance.

Next, in person, during a scheduled time, both the section leader and the employee compare their evaluations. The evaluation is scored. Both the section leader and the employee sign and date the section leaders written evaluation and it is filed in the employee’s personnel file with a copy to the employee.

How about employees taking draws from their wages in between paychecks?

There are certainly financial emergencies with our employees when they must come up with money to pay the rent before their paychecks. We understand this. We limit these draws to two times a season for each employee. The draw can be for a maximum of seventy five dollars per request. If there is a great need beyond that amount, the store manager has the discretion to allocate more.

The goal is to keep the employee focused on his or her tasks in our workplace and not on the money needed right away to keep the lights on.

Some employees like to get overtime? What is your feeling on this?

Yes, some do. Some even rely upon that extra money to get them through the season. We just make every effort to eliminate all overtime from our stores. We have seen employees absolutely dragging to work because they are determined to work overtime.

We want a rested employee and we cannot get that with extra hours in an overwise difficult and challenging spring gardening season.

It is a pain in the ass for an employee to get called back to work. Have you thought of this?

We try hard never to do this. Our employees have lives away from the workplace. When they leave after their shifts, we want them to leave all of us behind to relax and recoup.

Yes, there will be extreme emergencies or scheduling or unloading when they may be called back. In that situation, they will be paid three hours of work as a minimum payment for their troubles, no matter if they only work ten minutes. This penalty of money we have to pay keeps the section leaders and floor manager vigilant in scheduling properly and looking ahead for problems during the workday.

Normally breaks are 10 minutes and lunches are 30 minutes. Why have you increased the time in your stores?

Because, simply put, they are not long enough. Have you ever tried to get a pleasurable lunch break that lasts only 30 minutes? You can hardly take a pee in that amount of time. With breaks, no employee can even exhale let alone gather some quiet thoughts in ten minutes. That extra boost to 15 minutes helps them a lot.

When it comes to a lunch break, thirty minutes is not a relaxing period. It is a race to throw down a sandwich and gulp some beverage. Forty-five minutes or sixty minutes gives them some needed down time and we benefit from their unwinding when they hit the floor to help our customers. We give the option to the employee, He or she can take 45 minutes or 60 minutes, but that is the minimum time.

I lot of owners of garden stores have banned smoking entirely. Why haven’t you?

Yeah, everybody treats the smokers like lepers these days. Some righteous owners have decided that they are going to help society and ban the smokers. Sorry folks, some of our most valuable employees smoke and we are not willing to throw them out or pass up a new exciting employee because he or she smokes. We have designed areas for smokers away from the flow of traffic for their comfort, which is covered and out of the weather.

We do not take sides on this issue. We are prepared to live with the health insurance consequences of this. We want quality employees and that means all employees.

However we do recognize the benefits to our employees in quitting tobacco use as well as dependences on alchohol, drugs, gambing etc. We have developed a program with our health insurers that makes it possible for them to enroll in programs to eliminate these dependencies.

Some employees like to get cash for their work or they would like a check. Why do you make employees accept their pay electronically?

We have solved this paycheck thing and we ain’t going back. No more employees losing checks. No more employees hanging in the store waiting for the boss to get back and give them their checks. No more examining their pay while they are working. No more cashing employees checks at our counters.

All employees of green garden gates are required to have a bank account where the funds are deposited electronically at 12:01 am of the day of payment. It works just great.

Do you have a seniority driven process for wage increases?

We do not increase the standard wage base, individually, for any reason. We do have extra upgrades for various reasons, but the base does not change. We examine each year whether the overall base needs to be increased or decreased.

We do not have a seniority upgrade. We believe no employee deserves simply deserves increases or extra benefits for just being with us over the years. While we appreciate and value this loyalty, the increase in their pay will occur in other upgrades.

How do you prevent getting jumped by employees arriving at the door in the morning?

We know many owners who want to run away from their stores just to escape their employees! One of the problems is getting “jumped” by them with any number of problems the first thing walking in the door in the morning. We ask that our employees, unless the issue is a real emergency, to hold off all requests and problems for two hours following store opening.

What kinds of people are you looking for to work at green garden gates?

We are looking who has, among other attributes, spirit, enthusiasm, the willingness to work for our success, curiosity, problem solving and a real desire to help our gardeners. We can teach the rest but we cannot teach these attributes.

How about the challenged people, who have some limited physical or mental abilities?

These employees can be quite difficult to manage in the fast paced environment of a garden store in the springtime. Our workplace demands that our employees multi-task, which is hard for people with intellectual or physical limits.

With the mentally challenged, the key is to find routine rote work for them. With the physically challenged, the key is getting them positioned in one location for the better part of the workday. We welcome these people and we are continually looking for job that they can perform with these limitations.

Are employees allowed flexible hours?

Yes, we encourage flex hours for our employees. Some of our employees like to work four ten hour shifts and have three days off. Some may split the day coming in the morning and then returning for an afternoon or evening shift. It has to make sense for both green garden gates and the employee, but it is quite acceptable most of the time.

How are the job assignments selected?

First, the skill set of the employee is determined, followed by the needs in that department. Employees are encouraged to select the departments for their assignment. Sometimes they may want to switch departments during the season and we are open to that request. Our goal is to have each employee, classified as “seasonal”, to be familiar enough to be valuable in all departments.

Are the key employees on the floor at critical hours and days?

Yes, we rely heavily on our key employees, particularly our section leaders. The majority of them must be on the floor during that most active selling hours and days; Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, from the hours of 11:00 am to about 4:00pm.

Are most employees given consecutive days off?

We make a special effort to give all of our employees who are working full shifts to be away from the store two days in a row during the work week. They need that down time badly. It is amazing what those days do to rejuvenate their spirits and keep them motivated. Working full time employees with only one day off each week is absolutely silly. They soon become drained and irritable and unable to give their full attention to our employees

Can and do employees work staggered shifts?

Yes, we encourage this. We pay particular attention to when the sales occur in our store and we staff accordingly. We stagger our employees hours based on the customer load per hour.

Who develops and manages the job descriptions?

The store manager is responsible for the development and changes to the job descriptions. He or she will consult with the section leaders and the floor manager. These descriptions are reviewed once a year or as needed.

Are employees on call during lunch breaks?

Yes, I am sorry to say that some are on call. We expect our section leaders, store manager and floor manager to be available at all times. We try very hard to not interrupt the lunch breaks, but sometimes it is unavoidable.

Are employees required to take lunch and routine breaks?

They are. We insist that they take lunch and breaks during the workday. We believe that they need to get off the floor and get to a quiet place away from the customers for some down time. We rarely allow employees to skip lunch and “work while I eat.”

Do employees have to stay on the grounds during lunch?

Section Leaders, the store manager, and the floor manager must stay on the grounds for lunch break during the very busy spring months. (It is a condition of their employment). All others can leave the site for lunch. In the early spring, and the dead of the summer, we are flexible on this.

Is there a portable “roach coach” available for them?

Yes, we have arranged for a portable mobile snack unit to stop by the store during lunch on their regular route.

Are you flexible with the number and length of employee breaks?

We are. To demand employees work until a scheduled break after they have unloaded two semis of heavy plants is ridiculous. We know that by refreshing our employees when it is needed, they will be ready to hit it again.

Who updates the employee manual and how often?

The employee manual is undated once a year or when a problem arises that calls for revision of the manual. The change occurs when the store manager and the owners, consulting with the floor manager, and the section leaders agree to the change.

When procedures change, how are the employees notified?

The notice of change is flashed on our website cover page. Employees must read and sign off on the change. The change is also placed on our employee bulletin board immediately when it goes into effect.

How are employee injuries and illnesses handled?

The selected employee who has been assigned the safety program of the store is responsible for the illness and injury process. All reporting is done through this employee or the store manager is he or she is unavailable.

When can an employee expect an increase in wages and/or benefits?

There is no individual increase in the base wages. Benefits are changed as the employee moves to a different classification. Upgrades are given when the employee satisfied the conditions of the upgrade.

Can employees charge purchases?

We have no charging privileges for anyone. It is a cash and carry business for both the customers and our employees

What about conflict resolution with and among employees?

There will be conflict, as all garden store owners are keenly aware. Most of the issues can be solved in the sections by the section leader and his or her employees. When the conflict is extreme, the floor manager and the section leader will meet with the employee or employees in private to attempt to resolve the issue. We want conflicts to be addressed and put to rest immediately

Describe the employees “personal book”?

We encourage our employees to keep a personal book of some of their regular customers; their likes and dislikes, their planting routines and varieties that they like, any gardening problems they have, and other special gardening needs. They transfer this information into our computer system in order to keep a smooth transitional history of our customer in the entire green garden gates network where ever they may live, travel or relocate.

Can employees help customers in any department?

Yes. We encourage and promote this. We want our employees to be cross trained in every area of the store. They must know the ground rules and quirks of each section to make this go smoothly. Of course, we are mindful that we need our employees in their sections during the workday, not all over the place leaving an empty area. The seamless movement of the customer is the most important issue for our stores.

“To maintain a loyal customer following, Nordstrom allows salespeople to sell merchandise to their customers in any department throughout the store.

The company believes that once a salesperson has established rapport with a customer and has helped that customer put together the right look, the salesman wants to make sure all the customer’s needs are met in order to complete the package.

A now retired cop Nordstrom salesperson remarked that “if it is not nailed down, I’ll find it for my customer.”

“The Nordstrom Way

By Spector and McCarthy

Why do you use personal days rather than sick days?

We have adults working for us at green garden gates. We do not like this “mother may I” business or faking being sick, or bringing a note from the teacher (doctor) to get some time off. There are a set number of personal days. Our employees can use them for any reason. We are happy with this process.

Who buys the plants and products for the store?

We believe that the section leaders, the employees who are out there selling the stuff every minute of every hour must play a great part in choosing the inventory for the store. They, in consultation with the store manager and the floor manager, make the majority of the choices and place the orders.

Who prices the inventory and commits the products to our computer systems?

The section leader follows through with these orders in consultation with the receiving section to make certain the inventory is properly prepared for sale.

Employees like to take home discarded plants. What is your policy about this?

Most all plants have value. We have a process that eventually leads to allowing our employees to take home plants at no charge to them.

Plants are evaluated by our section leaders as to whether they meet our standards for high quality. If they merely require re-potting or pruning, we re-process and send them back into the main sales area. Any plants not meeting the standard, and unable to re-process are radically reduced in price and positioned in our “Garage Sale Bargains” area of the store.

After a maximum of two to three weeks, the plants are removed, placed on a rack and offered to our employees at no charge. Some, like seasonal bedding plants, with a short life span, are immediately offered to our employees.

#126 HIRING AND MANAGING OUR EMPLOYEES/ (revised 6/4) the employee handbook part two

Employment Applications

"We rely upon the accuracy of the information contained in your employment application, as well as the accuracy of other data presented throughout the hiring process and your employment.

If you misrepresent, falsify, or materially omit any of this information or data, it may result in excluding you from further consideration in working for us. If you have already been hired, this may mean that you can no longer work for green garden gates."

Performance Evaluations

"We want you to always discuss, at any time, informally, with your section leader or your floor manager, your job performance and goals.

We have performance evaluations to give both you and your section leader a formal time to discuss job tasks, identify and correct weaknesses, encourage and recognize strengths, and discuss positive, purposeful approaches for meeting goals.

These formal evaluations occur during the season and prior to re-hire the following spring.".

Employee Benefits

"We provide to you, depending on your eligibility, a wide range of benefits at green garden gates."

Please refer to Entry # 120 for this benefit summary.


"If you are employed with us at the time, we grant paid holiday time to you for the following days

The Fourth of July

Memorial Day



New Years Day

We will grant paid holiday time off to all employees in the eligible employment classification.

This pay will be calculated based on your straight-time pay rate (as of the date of the holiday) times the number of hours the employee you would have worked on that day.

To be eligible for this holiday pay, you must work the last scheduled day immediately preceding or the first scheduled day immediately following the holiday.

If a recognized holiday falls during an eligible employee's paid absence (such as vacation or sick leave), holiday pay will be provided instead of the paid time off benefit that would otherwise have applied.

If you are a salaried employee, you will receive holiday pay plus wages at their straight-time rate for the hours worked on the holiday.

Paid time off for holidays will not be counted as hours worked for the purposes of determining overtime"

Workers' Compensation Insurance

"We provide for you a comprehensive workers compensation insurance program at no cost to you. This program covers any injury or illness sustained in the course of employment that requires medical, surgical, or hospital treatment. Subject to applicable legal requirements, workers compensation insurance provides benefits after a short waiting period or, if the employee is hospitalized, immediately.

If you sustain work-related injuries or illnesses, you must inform your section leader or floor manager immediately, no matter how minor an on-the-job injury may appear."

Bereavement Leave

"If you need or wish to take time off due to the death of an immediate family member, you should notify your section leader immediately. If you do not wish to use personal time or vacation time for this purpose, we will grant you unpaid time for this bereavement.

We define "immediate family" as the spouse, parent, child, grandchild, sibling of the employee, the employee's spouse's and the employee’s children. We will also consider this leave to any other person associated with you that is similar to any of the above relationships."

Vacation Benefits

"Vacation time off with pay is available to eligible employees to provide opportunities for rest, relaxation, and personal pursuits.

Once you enter an eligible employment classification, you are able to use this time immediately.

Paid vacation time can be used in minimum increments of one eight hour day. To take vacation days , you must request advance approval from your section leader, Requests will be reviewed based on a number of factors, including business needs and staffing requirements.

You will not be granted vacation time off from April 1 until Memorial Day Weekend.

Vacation time off is paid at your base pay rate at the time of vacation. It does not include overtime or any special forms of compensation such as incentives, commissions, bonuses, or shift differentials.

The vacation year begins at the opening of our store season and closes at the end of our store season. You will have that store season to use this vacation time.

After the store season closing, any remaining vacation days will disposed of in this manner; 50% of the days will be returned to the store and 50% of the days will be given to you in cash after the store season closing. If you leave us for some reason during the season. The accumulated vacation time will be forfeited entirely."

We do this for several reasons; We believe that you must have some time off each season because of the hectic and stressful nature of the retail garden store business. We also cannot afford to lose your talents for extended vacations resulting from accumulated hours over a number of seasons.

Jury Duty

"We encourage you to fulfill your civic responsibilities by serving on jury duty when required.

You may request unpaid jury duty leave for the length of absence. You may also use any available paid time off such as vacation benefits.

You must show the jury duty summons to your store manager as soon as possible. We expect you to keep your work schedule whenever the court schedule permits.

If, in our judgement, your absence would create serious operational difficulties, We may or you may request an excuse from jury duty.

We will continue to provide all of your eligible benefits for the full term of the jury duty absence."

Witness Duty

"We encourage you to appear in court for witness duty when you are subpoenaed to do so.

If you have been subpoenaed or otherwise requested to testify as a witnesses by green garden gates, you will receive paid time off for the entire period of witness duty.

You will be given unpaid time off to appear in court as a witness when requested by a party other than green garden gates. You are free to use any available paid leave benefit (such as vacation leave) to receive compensation for the period of this absence.

You should show the subpoena to the store manager immediately. We expected you to report for your work assignment whenever the court schedule permits."

Benefits Continuation (COBRA)

"The federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) gives you and your qualified beneficiaries the opportunity to continue health insurance coverage under green garden gates health plan when a "qualifying event" would normally result in the loss of eligibility.

Some common qualifying events are resignation, termination of employment, your death; a reduction in your hours or a leave of absence; your divorce or legal separation; and your dependent child no longer meeting eligibility requirements.

Under COBRA, you or your beneficiary pays the full cost of coverage at our group rates plus an administration fee.

We provide to you or your beneficiary, a written notice describing your rights granted under COBRA when you become eligible for coverage under our health insurance plan. The notice contains important information about the employee's rights and obligations."

Health Insurance

"Our health insurance plan provides you and your dependents access to medical, dental, and vision care insurance benefits, if you are eligible

You may participate in the health insurance plan subject to all terms and conditions of the agreement between green garden gates and the our insurance provider.

If you change in classification which results in loss of eligibility to participate in the health insurance plan, you may qualify for benefits continuation under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). Please refer to the Benefits Continuation (COBRA) policy for more information or ask your store manager".


"Federal and state laws require us to keep an accurate record of all of your time working on the job performing assigned duties.

You must accurately record the time when you begin and end your work, as well as the beginning and ending time of each meal period. You must also record the beginning and ending time of any split shift or departure from work for personal reasons.

The following are answers to frequently asked questions applying to time clock policy:

No grace period (NO time will be paid when punching in early on a shift unless initialed by a supervisor).

All late punches will be advanced to the next quarter hour. NOTE: Any excused tardiness must be initialed by your section leader or floor manager.

A 45 minute lunch is required on any shift of 5 hours or more

These policies are set in good faith and fairness for all employees, We cannot tolerate a situation if you have consistent tardiness, continual early punches or take no lunch,

If you alter, falsify, tamper with time records, or record time on another employee's time record, this may result in some form of disciplinary action.

If corrections or modifications are made to the time record, your section leader or floor manager must verify the accuracy of the changes by initialing the time record."


"You will be paid, electronically to your designated bank account, every two weeks on every other Friday .

Your paycheck will include earnings for all work you have performed through the end of the previous payroll period.

Only payroll deductions required by law are made from paychecks unless you have authorized other deductions. Such required deductions may include Federal Income Tax, State Income Tax, and Social Security (FICA&Medi-care) Taxes. Your portion of your medical insurance will also be deducted.

You may authorize other deductions such as our group insurance plans only if you qualify for a specific plan.

In the event that your regularly scheduled payday falls on a holiday, you will receive pay on the last day before the holiday if the paycheck is available".

Employment Termination

"Termination of employment is an inevitable part of personnel activity within any organization, and many of the reasons for termination are routine. Below are examples of some of the most common circumstances under which employment is terminated:

Resignation - voluntary employment termination initiated by you.

Discharge - involuntary employment termination initiated by green garden gates.

Layoff - involuntary employment termination initiated by green garden gates for no disciplinary reasons.

Retirement - voluntary employment termination initiated by you.


"If you plan on leaving green garden gates and must resign, we want you to take a good record with you. Please notify your section leader as far in advance as possible, preferably two weeks.

You will be paid through the effective date of your resignation and any benefits earned from the previous season or the present season will be paid to you. Unused vacation may not be used to satisfy "notice" time."


"If you are dismissed from green garden gates after completing the minimum required hours in your employment category in the previous season, some accrued benefits will be paid to you as part of your final pay.

If you are dismissed prior to the completion the minimum required hours in your employment category, either from the previous season or the present season of employment, you will not be granted any additional benefits beyond the base wages you have earned."

Administrative Pay Corrections

"We take reasonable steps to ensure that you receive the correct amount of pay in each paycheck and that you are paid promptly on the scheduled payday.

In the unlikely event that there is an error in the amount of pay, you should promptly bring the discrepancy to the attention of the store manager so that corrections can be made as quickly as possible."


"You will receive periodic workplace safety training. The training covers potential safety and health hazards and safe work practices and procedures to eliminate or minimize hazards.

We encourage you to voice, to your section leader, ideas, concerns, or suggestions for improved safety in our workplace. Your reports and concerns about workplace safety issues may be made anonymously if you wish. You can make all reports without fear of reprisal.

You are expected to obey safety rules and to exercise caution in all work activities. You must immediately report any unsafe condition to your section leader or floor manager. If you violate safety standards or cause unusual hazardous or dangerous situations, or if you fail to report or, where appropriate, remedy such situations, if the remedy is your responsibility, in a timely manner, you may be subject to some level of disciplinary action.

In the case of accidents that result in injury, regardless of how insignificant the injury may appear, you must immediately notify your section leader or floor manager. Your reporting is necessary to comply with laws and initiate insurance and workers' compensation benefits procedures."

Work Schedules

"Your section leader, the floor manager or the store manager will advise you of the times your schedule will normally begin and end. There may be variations in starting and ending times, as well as variations in the total hours that may be scheduled each day and week.'

Employee Workweek

Ordinarily a full-time workweek will be forty (40) hours, 8 hours per day, scheduled at any time at any day in the week.

However, due to the seasonal and retail nature of our business, it is sometimes necessary to deviate from this schedule, working less hours or additional hours and/or days.

These additional activities usually occur during our busiest seasons, spring and fall. We will try to give ample advance notice on your schedule whenever possible. Our condition for employment is that we are allowed to work you less hours or additional hours and days if the season warrants this.

Sometimes, poor weather conditions will dictate a reduction of employees and hours.

A workweek is from Sunday through Saturday.

We make every attempt to schedule you two days off running consecutively, but that is not always possible during the very busy spring weeks.

Your normal workday hours can be anytime from 7:00AM to 9:00PM at any day of the week. You also may only work a short hour workday. You are expected to arrive 10 minutes prior to starting time and check assigned work duties for that day."

Call Back Time:

If you are called back to work after completing your regular work day, you will be paid for actual time worked or two (3) hours, whichever is greater.


15-minute breaks are generally given in the morning and afternoon. We would like you to take your breaks near the area where you are working or in the employees break room.

You are expected to go immediately to your designated work area when the break period is over.

A 45 to 60 minute lunch break is available to you after 11:00AM each day unless you section leader or floor manager must alter this time due to unloading trucks or other important tasks. A lunch area is provided.

You and green garden gates employees are allowed in the lunchroom. During the peak selling seasons, you and your may have split lunch hours so there are always personnel available to care for customers."

Use of Telephones and Internet

We discourage the personal use of our telephone and fax systems of the store. However, we do understand that situations will arise when they are needed. You are expected to reimburse green garden gates for any charges resulting in these calls.

Use of personal cellular phones is limited to break and lunch times or in the event of an emergency.

You are allowed and we encourage you to use the company internet access for gardening related research, weather reports and business activities. Any other use must be approved by your section leader or floor manager."


You are allowed to smoke in the workplace in those locations that have been specifically designated smoking areas.


"When operating requirements or other needs cannot be met during regular working hours, you may be scheduled to work overtime hours. When possible, we will give advance notification of these assignments. We will distribute overtime schedules as equitably as practical to all employees qualified to perform the required work.

Overtime compensation is paid to all nonexempt employees in accordance with federal and state wage and hour restrictions.

Overtime pay is based on actual hours worked. Time off using sick leave, vacation leave, or any leave of absence will not be considered hours worked for purposes of performing overtime calculations.

If you do not work the scheduled overtime or overtime worked without prior authorization from your section leader or floor supervisor, this may result in some disciplinary action."

Use of Equipment and Vehicles

"When using property and equipment, you are expected to exercise care, perform required maintenance, and follow all operating instructions, safety standards, and guidelines.

Please promptly notify your section leader or floor manager if any equipment, machines, tools, or vehicles appear to be damaged, defective, or in need of repair. Your section leader can answer any questions about your responsibility for maintenance and care of equipment or vehicles used on the job.

The improper, careless, negligent, destructive, or unsafe use or operation of equipment or vehicles, as well as excessive or avoidable traffic and parking violations, can result in some disciplinary action."

Emergency Closings

"At times, emergencies such as severe weather, fires, power failures, earthquakes, or a criminal incident may require the closing of our store.

When our operations are officially closed due to emergency conditions, the time off from scheduled work will be unpaid. However, with approval from your store manager, you may use available paid leave time, such as unused vacation benefits.

In cases where an emergency closing is not authorized, if you who fail to report for work, you will not be paid for the time off. If you are an employee in essential operations you may be asked to work on a day when operations are officially closed. In these circumstances, you will receive regular pay."

Business Travel Expenses

"The actual costs of travel, meals, lodging, and other expenses directly related to accomplishing business travel objectives will be reimbursed by green garden gates. You are expected to limit expenses to reasonable amounts.

If you are involved in an accident while traveling on business, you must promptly report the incident to the store manager or floor manager. Vehicles owned, leased, or rented by green garden gates may not be used for personal use without prior approval.

We may give cash advances to you to cover reasonable anticipated travel expenses. You should submit a written request to your floor manager when travel advances are needed.

On business travel, you can be accompanied by a family member or friend, when the presence of a companion will not interfere with successful completion of business objectives. Generally, we permit you to combine personal travel with business travel, as long as time away from work is approved. Additional expenses arising from such non-business travel are your responsibility.

When travel is completed, you are to should submit completed travel expense reports within 5 working days. These reports should be accompanied by receipts for all individual expenses. No reimbursements will be made without a receipt.

You should contact your section leader for guidance and assistance on procedures related to travel arrangements, travel advances, expense reports, reimbursement for specific expenses, or any other business travel issues."

Visitors in the Workplace

"We are mindful that you, on occasion, would like to invite visitors to your workplace. We encourage you to do so. Visitors includes adults, children and pets of any kind.

In those rare times when the presence of visitors may pose an issue with safety and security, we may advise you of that fact and ask that they depart."

Computer Usage

"Computers, computer files, the e-mail system, and software furnished to you are the property of green garden gates. We intended this equipment for business use only. To ensure compliance with this policy, computer usage may be monitored.

We prohibit the use of our computers in ways that are disruptive, offensive to others, or harmful to morale. If you witness violations of these statements, you should report the incident to your section leader. Employees who violate these statements are subject to disciplinary action."

Internet Usage

All Internet data that is composed, transmitted, or received via our computer communications systems is considered to be part of the official records of green garden gates and, as such, is subject to disclosure to law enforcement or other third parties. Consequently, you should always ensure that the business information contained transmissions is accurate, appropriate, legal, ethical, and lawful. We reserve the right to monitor Internet traffic, and retrieve and read any data composed, sent, or received through our online connections and/or stored in our computer systems.

The following behaviors are examples of actions and activities that are prohibited that can result in disciplinary action:

Sending or posting discriminatory, harassing, or threatening messages or images

Using the organization's time and resources for personal gain

Sending or posting messages or material that could damage the organization's image or reputation

Participating in the viewing or exchange of pornography or obscene materials

Sending or posting messages that defame or slander other individuals

Sending or posting chain letters, solicitations, or advertisements not related to business purposes or activities

Using the Internet for political causes or activities, religious activities, or any sort of gambling

Jeopardizing the security of the organization's electronic communications systems

Sending or posting messages that disparage another organization's products or services

Passing off personal views as representing those of the organization

Engaging in any other illegal activities"


"Telecommuting is the practice of working at home or at a site near the home instead of physically traveling to a central workplace. It is a work alternative that green garden gates may offer to some employees when it would benefit both the organization and the employee.

If you believe telecommuting can enhance your ability to get the job done, you should speak with the store manager to propose the benefits to the company

Your compensation, benefits, work status, work responsibilities, and the amount of time you are expected to work per day or per pay period will not change due to participation in a telecommuting program (unless otherwise agreed upon in writing)."

Workplace Violence Prevention

"We are committed to preventing workplace violence and to maintaining a safe work environment.

We have adopted the following guidelines to deal with intimidation, harassment, or other threats of (or actual) violence that may occur during business hours or on its premises.

All of our employees should be treated with courtesy and respect at all times. You are expected to refrain from fighting, or other conduct that may be dangerous to others. Firearms, weapons, and other dangerous or hazardous devices or substances are prohibited from the premises of green garden gates without authorization from the store manager or floor manager.

Any conduct that threatens, intimidates, or coerces another employee, a customer, or a member of the public at any time, will not be tolerated.

You are to report all threats (or actual) violence by customers and fellow employees or others, both direct and indirect, as soon as possible to your section leader or floor manager.

All suspicious individuals or activities should also be reported as soon as possible to a section leader. Do not place yourself in peril. If you see or hear a commotion or disturbance near your work station, do not try to intercede or see what is happening.

We will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of threats of (or actual) violence and of suspicious individuals or activities. Your identity making a report will be protected as much as is practical. In order to maintain workplace safety and the integrity of its investigation, we may suspend employees, either with or without pay, pending investigation.

Anyone determined to be responsible for threats of (or actual) violence or other conduct that is in violation of these guidelines will be subject to prompt disciplinary action

We encourage you to bring their disputes or differences with other employees to the attention of your section leader of floor manager before the situation escalates into potential violence. We are eager to assist in the resolution of employee disputes and will not discipline any employee for raising such concerns."

Family Leave

"We provide family leaves of absence without pay to all employees who wish to take time off from work duties to fulfill family obligations relating directly to childbirth, adoption, or placement of a foster child; or to care for a child, spouse, or parent with a serious health condition.

A serious health condition means an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility; or continuing treatment by a health care provider.

You may request family leave only after having completed 60 working days of service during your first season with us. You make requests for family leave to your section leader at least 7 working days in advance of foreseeable events and as soon as possible for unforeseeable events.

If you are requesting family leave related to the serious health condition of a child, spouse, or parent, you may be required to submit a health care provider's statement verifying the need for a family leave to provide care, its beginning and expected ending dates, and the estimated time required.

You may request up to a maximum of 6 weeks of family leave within any 12 month period. Any combination of family leave and medical leave may not exceed this maximum limit. Married employee couples may be restricted to a combined total of 12 weeks leave within any 12 month period for childbirth, adoption, or placement of a foster child; or to care for a parent with a serious health condition.

Green garden gates will continue to provide health insurance benefits for the full period of the approved family leave.

Benefit accruals, such as vacation, sick leave, and holiday benefits will continue during the approved family leave period.

So that your return to work can be properly scheduled, you are requested to provide us with at least two weeks advance notice of the date you intend to return to work. When a family leave ends, you will be reinstated to the same position, if it is available, or to an equivalent position for which you are qualified.

If you fail to return to work on the agreed upon return date, we will assume that you have resigned."

Personal Leave

"We provide, for eligible employees, leaves of absence without pay to if you wish to take time off from work duties to fulfill personal obligations. Please check with your section leader as to the number of leave days for which you are eligible

As soon as you become aware of the need for a personal leave of absence, you should ask your section leader for this leave.

With the approval of the store manager or floor manager, you may take any available personal days or vacation leave as part of the approved period of leave.

We grant requests for personal leave based on a number of factors, including anticipated work load requirements and staffing considerations during the proposed period of absence.

All compensation benefits continue during this leave time

On December 31st of each year, any unused personal days expire and re-issued at the base number when you return to work the following season. 50% of the unused personal leave is retained by us and 50% of this leave is paid to you on July 1st of the following season.

Vacation, sick leave, and holiday benefits, will continue to accrue during the approved personal leave period.

When a personal leave ends, every reasonable effort will be made to return you to the same position, if it is available, or to a similar available position for which the employee is qualified. However, we cannot guarantee reinstatement in all cases.

If you fail to report to work promptly at the expiration of the approved leave period, we will assume that you have resigned."

Military Leave

"A military leave of absence will be granted to you if you are absent from work because of service in the U.S. uniformed services in accordance with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).

You are to give us advanced notice of military service, unless military necessity prevents such notice or it is otherwise impossible or unreasonable.

The leave will be unpaid. However, you may use any available paid time off for this absence.

There will be a continuation of health insurance benefits as required by USERRA based on the length of the leave and subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of the applicable plans for which you are eligible.

Other benefits including the accumulation of hours for classification and bonuses will cease during a military leave of absence.

If you are on military leave for up to 30 days, you are required to return to work for the first regularly scheduled shift after the end of service, allowing reasonable travel time.

If you are on longer military leave, you must apply for reinstatement in accordance with USERRA and all applicable state laws.

When you return from military leave, you will be placed in the position you would have attained had you remained continuously employed or a comparable position depending on the length of military service in accordance with USERRA".

Pregnancy-Related Absences

You can request an excused absence for medical disabilities associated with pregnancy. Such leave requests will be evaluated according to the medical leave policy provisions outlined in this handbook and all applicable federal and state laws.

If you request time off associated with pregnancy and/or childbirth, such as bonding and child care, not related to medical disabilities for those conditions, we will be considered this time off in the same manner as other requests for unpaid family or personal leave."

Employee Conduct and Work Rules

"To ensure orderly operations and provide the best possible work environment, green garden gates expects you to follow rules of conduct that will protect the interests and safety of your fellow employees.

It is not possible to list all the forms of behavior that are considered unacceptable in the workplace. The following are examples of infractions of rules of conduct that may result in some kind of disciplinary action.

Theft or inappropriate removal or possession of property

Falsification of timekeeping records

Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs

Possession, distribution, sale, transfer, or use of alcohol or illegal drugs in the workplace, while on duty, or while operating employer-owned vehicles or equipment

Fighting or threatening violence in the workplace

Disruptive activity in the workplace

Negligence or improper conduct leading to damage of employer-owned or customer-owned property

Disrespectful conduct with others

Violation of safety or health rules

Sexual or other unlawful or unwelcome harassment

Possession of dangerous or unauthorized materials, such as explosives or firearms, in the workplace

Unauthorized use of telephones, mail system, or other employer-owned equipment

Violation of personnel policies"

Sexual and Other Unlawful Harassment

"We are committed to providing a work environment that is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment.

Actions, words, jokes, or comments based on an individual's sex, race, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated.

Sexual harassment is defined as unwanted sexual advances, or visual, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This definition includes many forms of offensive behavior and includes gender-based harassment of a person of the same sex as the harasser.

The following is a partial list of sexual harassment examples:

Unwanted sexual advances.

Offering employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors.

Making or threatening reprisals after a negative response to sexual advances.

Visual conduct that includes leering, making sexual gestures, or displaying of sexually suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons or posters.

Verbal conduct that includes making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, or jokes.

Verbal sexual advances or propositions.

Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentaries about an individual's body, sexually degrading words used to describe an individual, or suggestive or obscene letters, notes, or invitations.

Physical conduct that includes touching, assaulting, or impeding or blocking movements.

Unwelcome sexual advances (either verbal or physical), requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when: (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment; (2) submission or rejection of the conduct is used as a basis for making employment decisions; or, (3) the conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

If you experience or witness sexual or other unlawful harassment in the workplace, report it immediately to your section leader, floor manager or store manager. You can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal or retaliation.

All allegations of sexual harassment will be quickly and discreetly investigated. To the extent possible, your confidentiality and that of any witnesses and the alleged harasser will be protected against unnecessary disclosure.

When the investigation is completed, you will be informed of the outcome of the investigation.

If you become aware of possible sexual or other unlawful harassment, you must immediately advise the store manager or any member of management or ownership so it can be investigated in a timely and confidential manner.

Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be subject to some form of disciplinary action."