Monday, January 26, 2009

#30 COMMENTS/ (revised 6/10) "a little golden goose"

“I own a pet shop. I know absolutely nothing about pets and the pet shop business. In fact, I do not even like pets. I am, really, a hairdresser with a small salon. But I saw that there was a need for a pet shop in my little town. My banker thought I was nuts and hid under his desk every time I came up to him with this idea!

I stole a pet manager from another town. I bought a little empty lot in a convenient location and built a small free standing store. I hired a small staff of ladies who wanted to work part time and balance their home life with work. I was not under their feet all the time calling the shots. They stayed with me for fifteen years. I made a profit the first day it was open and stayed profitable until I sold the store for a terrific price. We stayed small and flexible. We just sold pets and pet supplies every day of the week. It was nothing fancy, just clean and friendly,with these ladies who knew what they were talking about.

When the big chain pet shop was built, we hunkered down and rode out the storm of their flash and newness. Soon, our customers returned again to my small, well stocked, and convenient store. I never made a ton of money, but it made steady cash each day and was my most profitable business for me ever".

Sally Riswald

North Dakota
From the notebook of Nick Hudson

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