Sunday, November 30, 2008

#1 FORWARD* (revised 6/10) "we are ready to share our green garden gates story"

The material produced by the administrator and contained in this site is the property of the administrator. It is understood that any entries by others to this site can be reproduced by and used, either orally or in written form by the administrator.

Nick Hudson, or his associate, is available for presentations, orally or verbally to the industry. Mr. Hudson, or his associate, is also available for consultations to garden centers, both onsite and offsite. If you have an interest in a presentation or a consultation, please contact


This is our story of green garden gates.....

This is the story of the journey of four people who reached out and closed their grasp on a fleeting momentary thought. We molded and shaped this thought into building the most successful multi-store company in the history of the retail garden center industry.

This is the story of how we did it.

We begin with us. If you want to go right to the nuts and bolts of building the stores, start at archive entry year 2009 post #57

We are four from different backgrounds, ages experiences and outlooks. We relied on our experiences. We begged, borrowed and stole from our competitors. We listened to the industry and our employees. We come together with a common thread and admiration for this profession.

That success in blending of all these ideas makes green garden gates the envy of the American horticultural community.

My name is Nick Hudson, one of the four. It will be my pleasure to tell our story, listen to you, and offer any advice. I write this story to help you stay on a bright path in this career we love so much. There will be laughs along the way, a few moments of sadness and plenty of personal reflections. So, sit back and come with me on this dusty road of our twists and turns.

We will start at the beginning. We hope you will understand why green garden gates succeeds when so many others have failed. For some, our story is familiar. You have been down this road. For the new young garden store owners just entering this great life, We give you tips on the lessons we have learned and we put up the danger signs along the road so that you can avoid them.

Please ask questions, challenge us, and offer your view on our direction.


Tell us about the stupid mind numbing bonehead choices you made.

Tell us what works for your store, how you operate, what you buy, in the day to day trenches.

Tell us what ideas caused you to fail

Make up a fake name and city if you want when you comment, whatever works. We will all learn in this community of garden center owners and employees. We will better our stores and enrich our working lives.

We write it in the style of two vintage books and an old film;

"The Volkswagen Guide For The Complete Idiot", is an old hippie book on how to repair your bug when you don't have any money,

"The Whole Earth Catalogue
", a survival source book for finding and knowing all kinds of things useful,

The film, "Alone in the Wilderness", about Dick Proenneke surviving the wilds of Alaska.

We are grateful for the ideas of;
Les Schwab, the tire king, in his book, Pride In Performance,
The Mom and Pop Store
by Robert Spector
The Nordstrom Way
by Robert Spector and Patrick McCarthy
Why We Buy by Paco Underhill

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely, just lovely.....enjoyed the readings, please contiue!